Revised and approved September 19, 2016

Article I          NAME

The organization shall be known as the Cannonborough-Elliotborough Neighborhood Association.

 Article II         BOUNDRIES

The areas of the Cannonborough-Elliotborough Neighborhood Association shall be bound on the north by the Crosstown, on the south by Morris Street and Bee Street, on the east by King Street, on the west by Lockwood Drive.  A drawing of these boundaries is attached hereto as attachment A.

 Article III       PURPOSE

The Objectives of the Association are:

A.                To provide an officially recognized ongoing organization of citizens in this neighborhood to review and comment on neighborhood oriented matters.

B.                 To effectively facilitate meaningful communication among citizens elected officials, city government, schools, etc.

C.                 To actively promote neighborliness and create a sense of community in this neighborhood.

D.                To promote the welfare of the community.

E.                 To raise the standards of the community.

F.                  To address crime prevention and safety concerns of the neighborhood.

G.                To promote the upkeep of properties in the neighborhood

H.                To promote beautification of the neighborhood

I.                   To evaluate and, when appropriate, promote, development and redevelopment in the neighborhood to ensure that is consistent with an integrated urban environment where all economic and social classes are comfortable living.


The association shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.  The name of the association, of the names and of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objective of the association.

 Article V.        MEMBERSHIP and DUES

A. Membership.

Membership will consist of residents of the neighborhood, including renters and property owners within the designated area known as Cannonborough-Elliotborough.  All members must be eighteen (18) years or older.  Businesses, Organizations, and Churches located within the established boundaries will also be encouraged to become involved with the Neighborhood Association.

 1.      Property Owner Resident (R) will be allowed one (1) vote per resident of the household.

2.      Business Owner/Operator (B) will be allowed one (1) vote only with a designated individual for that business or organization registered with the Treasurer. Partners, investors, agents, employees and/or those otherwise associated with the entity will not be eligible to vote unless they meet the stated residency membership qualifications and are individually registered with the Treasurer.

3.      Non-Resident Property Owner (NR) will be allowed one (1) vote only with a designated individual for specified property(s) registered with the Treasurer.

4.      Residential Lessee/Renter (L) will be afforded (1) vote per resident of the unit provided each person has established proof of residency with the Neighborhood Association.

 In any event, no single individual will be allowed more than one (1) vote. For example: No individual may be registered as both a resident and a designated individual for a business or organization. One person…One vote.

B. Registration

         1). Membership Register will be updated on an annual basis, date to be determined

             by the Executive Committee.

         2). Registration is a simple matter of providing proof of residency / operation of a

              business or organization within the boundaries of the neighborhood. 

         3). Proof of residency at the request of the Treasurer and/or Executive Committee

               may require one or more of the following:

                   a). Valid South Carolina Driver’s License / ID.

                   b). Deed, or current rental agreement/lease - utility bill with matching address

                   c). Business license.

                   d). Or, other, as deemed acceptable and appropriate at the discretion of the 

                       Executive Committee.

         4). Members may be removed from the Membership Register after a consecutive 

              twelve (12) month absence or for failure to re-register.

Registration may be done anytime by requesting membership with the Treasurer, or thru any of the Executive Officers. Registration at regularly, scheduled monthly meetings must be done prior to the start of proceedings or after meeting has concluded.

C. Dues

Members may make a voluntary monetary contribution at any regular monthly meetings, or elect to make an annual voluntary dues payment of $15.00 per person. The funds collected will be used as a contribution to the places where the Cannonborough-Elliotborough Neighborhood Association meets and for other approved and/or administrative expenses of the Association.

D. Eligibility

Only those individuals specified above in Section A, and meeting the  requirements set forth in Section B will be allowed to hold an elected/appointed position on the Executive Committee. Registered members will be eligible to vote in Neighborhood Association elections and on any issues put forth before the membership at regular meetings requiring a vote.  Executives may request from Association members verification of residency from time-to-time. As such, it shall be incumbent upon each member to notify the     Treasurer of any change of address, or other pertinent contact information.

Article VI       MEETINGS

The meeting schedule shall be posted on the Neighborhood Association Facebook Page (Cannonborough Elliotborough Neighborhood Association) and emailed to our member list, signs shall be posted in the neighborhood (if volunteers can do this), and the officers and committee chairpersons shall make their best efforts to distribute flyers announcing scheduled meetings of the Neighborhood Association.

A quorum shall be defined as not less than ten (10) members of the Neighborhood Association, and quorum must be present in order to make binding decisions for the Neighborhood Association.  However, a quorum is not necessary to conduct a neighborhood meeting.

 A simple majority vote of the members present in any regular meeting of the Neighborhood Association shall rule.  If a member is unable to attend the meeting, he or she may mail or deliver a vote to an officer or committee chairperson before, or at the time of the meeting.  That vote is to be included in the simple majority vote and quorum.  Additionally, a member may give a written proxy to another member to vote in his or her stead, if a copy of a written proxy containing the absentee voter’s name, address, phone number, and signature is provided no less than 24 hours prior to the vote to a chairperson or officer of the Association.

There will be reserved time at each meeting for motions from the floor notwithstanding that the matter moved is not on the agenda.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at all meetings.


A. Officers.     

The elected officers of the Neighborhood Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

-          Officers must reside within the above stated geographical boundaries of the neighborhood or as set forth in Article V.

-          They shall serve until their successors have been elected and installed. Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the meeting after elections.

B. Term of Office

Officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years.  No person shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) term(s) in the same office, except that a person may serve in the office of Secretary for so long as that person continues to be re-elected and fulfills the duties of the position.

C. Vacancies

A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee, with the exception that in case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, Vice President shall serve.

D. Elections.

Elections shall be held annually at the Annual Meeting held in June of each year.

 E. Duties.

The duties of the elected Officers is as follows:

Section 1         PRESIDENT


  1. shall be the principal representative and spokesperson for the Association

  2. shall in general supervise and control the business affairs of the Association. 

  3. shall preside at all meetings of the association at which he/she may be present.

  4. shall perform other duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or assigned to him/her by the association.

  5. shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the objectives may be promoted, set regular meetings of the executive committee, and give monthly reports at the Neighborhood Association meetings and other meetings attended. 

  6. shall in coordination with the executive committee determine the agenda of the meetings

  7. shall appoint committee chairpersons with the advise and consent of the residents and board.

  8. shall act in the best interest of the NA and represent the membership based on the general objectives of the By-Laws (Article III, Purpose).

DUTIES: The President shall be the executive officer of the Neighborhood Association and shall in general supervise and control the business affairs of the Association.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the association at which he/she may be present, shall perform other duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or assigned to him/her by the association, shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the objectives may be promoted, set regular meetings of the executive committee, and give monthly reports at the Neighborhood Association meetings and other meetings attended.  The President, in coordination with the executive committee, will determine the agenda of the meetings and appoint committee chairpersons.

Section 2         VICE PRESIDENT


  1. shall assist the President in the duties of that office as requested by the President.

  2. shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

  3. shall assist the Treasurer in keeping a membership sign-in sheet

  4. shall keep a record of votes by members at regular monthly meetings.

Section 3         SECRETARY


  1. shall record the minutes of all meetings of the association.

  2. shall be custodian of the Neighborhood Association records. 

  3. shall perform such other duties as may be delegated from time to time.

  4. shall keep a register of the address, phone number, and email address of each member, as provided by the Treasurer.

  5. shall have available any official correspondence sent out by executive members the month prior to a regular monthly meeting

 Section 4         TREASURER


  1. shall have custody of the funds of the association and shall keep a full account of incoming dues, expenditures including receipts, and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget as authorized by the association.

  2. shall maintain an accurate and auditable set of accounting records.

c.       shall maintain and have available a financial statement at each and every regular monthly meeting of  the association, at other times when requested, and shall make a full report at the Annual Meeting.

d.      shall reimburse Executive Officers for authorized expenses upon submission of valid receipts or invoices.

e.       Shall provide the Secretary with a signed copy of the Treasurer’s report at each monthly Association meeting(s).

  1. shall keep a membership sign-in sheet of members at regular monthly meetings. Sign-in sheet and voting log to be maintained as an official record at the close of meeting(s). 

  2. shall collect membership dues.

 F. Authority

The Association shall be governed by these By-laws.  All officers shall perform the duties prescribed in the By-laws and those assigned to them from time-to-time. All

They shall also deliver to their successors all official materials not later than ten days following the election of their successor.

Meetings shall be open to the public, and all documents kept and maintained by the officers will be available to members upon request.


The executive committee will consist of the officers of the Association and the chairpersons of the Association committees.  The meetings of the executive committee will be called by the President as needed.

 Article IX       COMMITTEES

Each committee will have a chairperson appointed by the President, and each committee will be open at all times to participation by all members who are interested in volunteering to work with a committee.

The Neighborhood Association Committees are currently as follows:

 a.      Crime Prevention and Safety Committee

b.      Traffic and Parking Committee

c.       Code Enforcement and Beautification Committee

d.      Design and Economic Development Committee

 Committees may be created or change over time as seen fit by the officers of the Neighborhood Association.

Article X         AMENDMENTS 

            These By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting of the association by a two-third vote of at least 12 members, provided that each of the proposed amendments shall have been given at the previous meeting.